Shore Piling
The process of temporarily supporting a building, vessel, structure, or trench with shores (props) when in danger of collapse or during repairs or alterations. Shoring comes from shore, a timber or metal prop. Shoring may be vertical, angled, or horizontal.
Shore piling is a form of soil stabilization that involves driving steel or concrete piles into the ground to support structures such as buildings and retaining walls. This method of soil stabilization can help prevent ground subsidence and wall collapse due to soil erosion, especially in areas where there are high water table levels.
It is also termed shoring, which may be denoted as temporary bracing used to prevent something, such as a tunnel, trench, soil, or wall from collapsing.
Although there is no standard approach or design for shorepiling. On one hand, it can be used alone or in combination with other methods, and on the other hand, there are alternative ways of defense against accidents like falling head & damage caused by debris piles, etc.